Science GK Questions (MCQs) for Competitive Exam

Q51. What is the mixture of potassium nitrate, pulverized charcoal and sulphur called?
(A) Glass
(B) Cement
(C) Paint
(D) Gun powder

(D) Gun powder

Q52. What will be formed when hydrogen is burnt?
(A) Oxygen
(B) Water
(C) Ash
(D) Soil

(B) Water

Q53. Saliva helps in the digestion of what?
(A) Fat
(B) Vitamin
(C) Starch
(D) Protein

(C) Starch

Q54. Who discovered Positron?
(A) Anderson
(B) J.J. Thomson
(C) Rutherford
(D) Chadwick

(A) Anderson

Q55. The ratio of hydrogen and oxygen in water by weight is
(A) 7:1
(B) 1:8
(C) 1:2
(D) 8:1

(B) 1:8

Q56. The fat-digesting enzyme lipase is secreted by which of the following?
(A) kidney
(B) Liver
(C) Large intestine
(D) The pancreas

(D) The pancreas

Q57. Atoms which have the same atomic number but different atomic masses are called-
(A) Isobar
(B) Isobar
(C) Isotope
(D) None of these

(C) Isotope

Q58. Who neutralizes the acidic semi-digested food coming out of the stomach?
(A) Pancreatic juice
(B) Bile juice
(C) Duodenum saav
(D) Colon cancer

(B) Bile juice

Q59. Which part of the body is related to blood purification?
(A) Heart
(B) Spleen
(C) Gall bladder
(D) Kidney

(D) Kidney

Q60. At what temperature will the density of water be maximum?
(A) 0°C
(B) 39°C
(C) 4°C
(D) 120°C

(C) 4°C

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