Full Form Of Computer Se Related

Q71. What is the full form of OCR?
(A) Optical computer recording
(B) Optimum color recognition
(C) Optimum Computer Recording
(D) Optical Character Recognition

(D) Optical Character Recognition

Q72. Which of the following is the full form of EVM?
(A) Electric voting machine
(B) Necessary voting machine
(C) Election voting machine
(D) Electronic voting machine

(D) Electronic voting machine

Q73. Which of the following is the full form of EBCDIC?
(A) Extended Binary-Coded-Decimal Interchange Code
(B) Extended Binary-Control-Device Interchange Code
(C) Electronic binary-coded-device interchange code
(D) Electronic binary-control-device interchange code

(A) Extended Binary-Coded-Decimal Interchange Code

Q74. What does W3C mean in the field of computers and Internet?
(A) World Wide Web Consortium
(B) World Wide Web Commission
(C) World Wide Web Center
(D) World Wide Web content

(A) World Wide Web Consortium

Q75. What is the full form of CLI in computer?
(A) Code Line Interface
(B) Command line interface
(C) Control Line Interface
(D) Central line interface

(B) Command line interface

Q76. Which of the following means GUI in the context of computer?
(A) Gigabytes used in Internet
(B) Group User Interface
(C) Gopher used investigation
(D) Graphical user interface

(D) Graphical user interface

Q77. What is the full form of IDN in computer?
(A) Internal digital network
(B) Input distributed network
(C) Internationalized domain name
(D) Intertwined Disk Network

(C) Internationalized domain name

Q78. What is the full form of ESS, a computer-based system that allows users to transfer enterprise data?
(A) Executive Support System
(B) Executive chain system
(C) Executive Senior System
(D) Executive Service System

(A) Executive Support System

Q79. What is the full form of ALU in computer library?
(A) Arithmetical logic unit
(B) Active load unit
(C) Air lock unit
(D) Application logical unit

(A) Arithmetical logic unit

Q80. Which of the following is the full form of FTP?
(A) Fast Transfer Protocol
(B) Fast Transfer Program
(C) File Transfer Program
(D) File Transfer Protocol

(D) File Transfer Protocol

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