Full Form Of Computer Se Related

Q51. In computing, which of the following is the full form of GPU?
(A) Global Processing Unit
(B) Google Processing Unit
(C) Garbage Processing Unit
(D) Graphics Processing Unit

(D) Graphics Processing Unit

Q52. What is the full form of HDMI?
(A) High-Definition Microprocessor Interface
(B) High-Definition Mini Controller Interface
(C) High-Definition Multimedia Interface
(D) High-Definition Media Interface

(C) High-Definition Multimedia Interface

Q53. In the field of computers, which of the following is the full form of HPFS?
(A) High Performance File Service
(B) High Performance File Sound
(C) High Performance File System
(D) Hard Performance File System

(C) High Performance File System

Q54. In computer terminology, what is the full form of DHCP?
(A) Directory Host Configuration Protocol
(B) Digital Host Configuration Protocol
(C) Data Host Configuration Protocol
(D) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

(D) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

Q55. In the field of computers, what is the full form of BSOD?
(A) Blue Screen of Device
(B) Blue Screen of Death
(C) Blue Screen of Data
(D) Blue Screen of Disk

(B) Blue Screen of Death

Q56. In the field of computers, which of the following is the full form of BGT?
(A) Border Junction Transistor
(B) Bipolar Junction Transistor
(C) Byte Junction Transistor
(D) Block Junction Transistor

(A) Border Junction Transistor

Q57. What is the full form of TCP/IP in the context of Internet Protocol?
(A) Transmission Control Protocol and International Protocol
(B) Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol
(C) Transmission Control Protocol and Intranet Protocol
(D) Transfer Control Protocol and Internet Protocol

(B) Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol

Q58. What is the full form of DHCP in Networking System?
(A) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
(B) Data Host Control Panel
(C) Dynamic Host Control Point
(D) Display House Control Protocol

(A) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

Q59. What is the short form of OLE in computer field?
(A) Object Linking and Embedding
(B) Object Linking and Enabling
(C) Object Linking Extension
(D) Object Location Enabling

(A) Object Linking and Embedding

Q60. The full form of DLL is –
(A) Dynamic Link Liberty
(B) Dynamic Link Library
(C) Dynamic Like Library
(D) Dynamic Real Library

(B) Dynamic Link Library

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