Full Form Of Computer Se Related

Q31. Which of the following is the full form of EGA?
(A) Enhanced Graphics Array
(B) Electronic Graphics Array
(C) Extensible Graphics Array
(D) Exterior Graphics Array

(A) Enhanced Graphics Array

Q32. In computing, what is the full form of EGP?
(A) Enhanced Gateway Protocol
(B) Extensible Gateway Protocol
(C) Electronic Gateway Protocol
(D) External Gateway Protocol

(D) External Gateway Protocol

Q33. In computing, which of the following is the correct full form of FAT?
(A) File Allocation Table
(B) Frequency Allocation Table
(C) Field Allocation Table
(D) Floating Allocation Table

(A) File Allocation Table

Q34. Which of the following is the correct full form of FDD?
(A) Frequency-Division Duplexing
(B) Field-Division Duplexing
(C) File-Division Duplexing
(D) Floating-Division Duplexing

(A) Frequency-Division Duplexing

Q35. In computer terminology, what is the full form of FET?
(A) File Effect Transistor
(B) Frequency Effect Transistor
(C) Field Effect Transistor
(D) Floating Effect Transistor

(C) Field Effect Transistor

Q36. In the field of computers, what is the full form of FLOPS?
(A) Floating-Point Operations Per Second
(B) Field-Point Operations Per Second
(C) Frequency -Point Operations Per Second
(D) File-Point Operations Per Second

(A) Floating-Point Operations Per Second

Q37. Which of the following is the correct full form of Gbps?
(A) Graphics bits per second
(B) Gigabits per second
(C) Google bits per second
(D) Gigabits per system

(B) Gigabits per second

Q38. In computing, what is the full form of GIS?
(A) Graphics Information System
(B) Gigabits Information System
(C) Geographic Information System
(D) Google Information System

(C) Geographic Information System

Q39. In computing, which of the following is the full form of GPIB?
(A) General-Purpose Instrumentation Bus
(B) General-Purpose Information Bus
(C) General-Purpose Internet Bus
(D) General-Purpose Interactive Bus

(A) General-Purpose Instrumentation Bus

Q40. In the field of computers, what is the full form of HAL?
(A) Hardware Abstraction Layer
(B) Host Abstraction Layer
(C) High Abstraction Layer
(D) Hierarchical Abstraction Layer

(A) Hardware Abstraction Layer

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