Full Form Of Computer Se Related

The full form of “Computer” is often referred to as “Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research”. Learn more about the meaning and significance of computers in today’s technological world. Full Form Of Computer Se Related

Q1. What is the correct full form of CPU in computer?
(A) Core Programming Utility
(B) Central Processing Unit
(C) Circuit Peripheral Unit
(D) Controlled Power Usage

(B) Central Processing Unit

Q2. In computer terminology, what is the full form of RAM?
(A) Random Access Memory
(B) Repeated Access Memory
(C) Rapid Access Memory
(D) Regular Access Memory

(A) Random Access Memory

Q3. What is the full form of DVD in Computer Technology?
(A) Digital Versatile Disc
(B) Dynamic Versatile Disc
(C) Digital Vertical Disc
(D) Device Versatile Disc

(A) Digital Versatile Disc

Q4. Which of the following is the meaning of DNS?
(A) Domain Name System
(B) Data Net Service
(C) Data Net System
(D) Domain Name Setup

(A) Domain Name System

Q5. In computing, what is the full form of DSP?
(A) Data Signal Processor
(B) Dynamic Signal Processor
(C) Digital Signal Processor
(D) Device Signal Processor

(C) Digital Signal Processor

Q6. In the field of computers, which of the following is the full form of VRML?
(A) Virtual Reality Markup Language
(B) Visual Reality Markup Language
(C) Virtual Reality Machine Language
(D) Visual Reality Machine Language

(A) Virtual Reality Markup Language

Q7. In computer technology, what is the full form of ADSL?
(A) Asymmetric Devices Subscriber Line
(B) Advanced Digital Subscriber Line
(C) Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
(D) Advanced Devices Subscriber Line

(C) Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

Q8. Which of the following is the full form of CAD?
(A) Computer-Aided Disk
(B) Computer-Aided Data
(C) Computer-Aided Design
(D) Computer-Aided Device

(C) Computer-Aided Design

Q9. In computing, what is the full form of APCI?
(A) Asymmetric-Layer Protocol Control Information
(B) Advanced-Layer Protocol Control Information
(C) Application-Layer Protocol Control Internet
(D) Application-Layer Protocol Control Information

(C) Application-Layer Protocol Control Internet

Q10. In the field of computers, what is the full form of ASIC?
(A) Application-System Integrated Circuit
(B) Asymmetric-Specific Integrated Circuit
(C) Application-Specific Integrated Circuit
(D) Asymmetric – System Integrated Circuit

(C) Application-Specific Integrated Circuit

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