Ancient Indian History MCQs

Q71. Which aspect has been highlighted in Kautilya’s ‘Arthashastra’?
(A) Economic life
(B) Political policies
(C) Religious life
(D) Social life

(B) Political policies

Q72. Chandragupta’s palace located in Pataliputra was mainly built
(A) Of bricks
(B) Of stone
(C) Wooden
(D) Of soil

(C) Wooden

Q73. Which of the following areas was not included in Ashoka’s empire?
(A) Afghanistan
(B) Bihar
(C) Sri Lanka
(D) Kalinga

(C) Sri Lanka

Q74. In which city was the Buddhist council held during the reign of Ashoka?
(A) Magadha
(B) Pataliputra
(C) Bodh Gaya
(D) Rajgriha

(B) Pataliputra

Q75. Which ruler built the Sanchi Stupa?
(A) Bimbisara
(B) Ashoka
(C) Harsh Vardhan
(D) Pushyamitra

(B) Ashoka

Q76. In which language were the earliest inscriptions on stone?
(A) Pali
(B) Sanskrit
(C) Prakrit
(D) Brahmi

(C) Prakrit

Q77. Who was the first to read the inscriptions of Ashoka?
(A) Viewer
(B) Robert Seibel
(C) James Prinsep
(D) Codrigton

(C) James Prinsep

Q78. The name by which Ashoka is generally mentioned in his inscriptions is
(A) Chakraborty
(B) Dharmadev
(C) Dharmakirti
(D) Priyadarshi

(D) Priyadarshi

Q79. Rummindei Pillar of Ashoka is related to
(A) From the birth of Buddha
(B) By attaining enlightenment of Buddha
(C) From the first sermon of Buddha
(D) By the death of Buddha

(A) From the birth of Buddha

Q80. In whose court did the famous Greek ambassador Megasthenes come to India?
(A) Ashoka
(B) Harsh Vardhan
(C) Chandragupta Maurya
(D) Hemu

(C) Chandragupta Maurya

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