Ancient Indian History MCQs

Q11. Harappa is associated with which of the following civilizations?
(A) Sumerian civilization
(B) Indus Valley Civilization
(C) Vedic civilization
(D) Mesopotamian civilization

(B) Indus Valley Civilization

Q12. Indus Valley Civilization was non-Aryan because
(A) It was an urban civilization
(B) He had his own script
(C) It had an agricultural economy
(D) It extended up to Narmada Valley

(A) It was an urban civilization

Q13. The main source of information about Harappan culture is
(A) Inscription
(B) Inscriptions on baked clay seals
(C) Archaeological excavations

(C) Archaeological excavations

Q14. Which color was generally used on pottery in Harappa?
(A) Red
(B) Blue-green
(C) Pandu
(D) Blue

(A) Red

Q15. A plowed field was discovered.
(A) Mohenjodaro
(B) In Kalibanga
(C) In Harappa
(D) Lothal

(B) In Kalibanga

Q16. Which place of Indus Valley Civilization is located in India?
(A) Harappa
(B) Mohenjodaro
(C) Lothal
(D) None of the above

(C) Lothal

Q17. Was a port city of the Indus Valley Civilization
(A) Harappa
(B) Kalibanga
(C) Lothal
(D) Mohenjodaro

(C) Lothal

Q18. Indus Valley people believed
(A) In soul and Brahma
(B) In rituals
(C) In Yagya system
(D) Mother power

(D) Mother power

Q19. Was in charge of the archaeological excavations of Mohenjodaro and Harappa
(A) Lord Macaulay
(B) Sir John Marshall
(C) Clive
(D) Colonel Tad

(B) Sir John Marshall

Q20. Which metal has not yet been found in Harappan sites?
(A) Copper
(B) Gold
(C) Silver
(D) Iron

(D) Iron

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