Ancient Indian History MCQs

Explore key facts and insights into Ancient Indian History MCQs with our comprehensive General Knowledge guide. Learn about early civilizations, dynasties, empires, and cultural developments that shaped India’s rich historical legacy

Q1. Where is the first evidence of humans found in India?
(A) Nilgiri Hills
(B) Shivalik Hills
(C) Nallamala Hills
(D) Narmada Valley

(D) Narmada Valley

Q2. ‘Manusmriti’ is mainly related to
(A) From social system
(B) By law
(C) Economics
(D) State-work system

(A) From social system

Q3. The book named ‘Charak Samhita’ is related to which subject?
(A) Economics
(B) Politics
(C) Medicine
(D) Religion

(C) Medicine

Q4. Who among the following is the author of Mudrarakshasa?
(A) Ashvaghosha
(B) Visakhadutt
(C) Kalidas
(D) Bhas

(B) Visakhadutt

Q5. Which dynasty has not ruled North India?
(A) Chalukya
(B) Rajput
(C) Secret
(D) Maurya

(A) Chalukya

Q6. What was ‘Uraiyur’ famous for in the Sangam era?
(A) Important center of spice trade
(B) Important center of cotton trade
(C) Important trading center of foreign trade
(D) Important center of internal trade

(B) Important center of cotton trade

Q7. Where was the Roman settlement found?
(A) Kalibanga
(B) Arikamedu
(C) Rangpur
(D) Satara

(B) Arikamedu

Q8. Which of the following is also called Chalcolithic era?
(A) Palaeolithic Age
(B) Neolithic Age
(C) Chalcolithic Age
(D) Iron Age

(C) Chalcolithic Age

Q9. In which state is Navdatoli located?
(A) Gujarat
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Chhattisgarh
(D) Madhya Pradesh

(D) Madhya Pradesh

Q10. At which of the following places has evidence of dog being buried with humans been found?
(A) Burzahom
(B) Koldihwa
(C) Chopani-Mando
(D) Mando

(A) Burzahom

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